Category: News

  • Residency at Pigini accordions factory

    Last week I lived an extraordinary experience: I was able to spend some days at Pigini accordions factory, in Casterlfidardo (Italy) and share some time with the workers. I interviewed them about the sounds they are surrounded by, and I recorded those sounds. I then used them to prepare drones, drum machines, immersive soundscapes, spacial…

  • Collaboration with Mauricio Pauly and Maarten Stragier

    Cables on pedals and faders on mixers bright oscillators and warm delay settingtremolo and loopers tied up with stringsthese are a few of my favorite things What a nice research and artistic path with two dear friends and precious musicians.Exploring the boundaries between improvisation, structure, recording, writing a score, re-recording, re-writing the score, and finally perform…

  • New recording with Sadie Fields

    After performing our ‘Eight Seasons’ program a number of times (the wonderful transcriptions of Vivaldi and Piazzolla Four Seasons), Sadie and I are recording it! Happy to address all the audience members asking for the album at the end of the concerts, in a few days we’ll be recording at Rosario – a very special…

  • New disc!!!

    a new album is out the output of a very fruitful collaboration with Andrea Mancianti. In the last year and a half Andrea and I met around Europe to jam and slowly build some music. We are now presenting our first album, Helsinki, from the place where these ideas gushed out. Thanks to all the…

  • Mozarteum Salzburg!

    In Salzburg, presenting “Rhopophony” with the marvelous Lucia D’Errico! Click on the image for more info.